OPC Knokke-Heist

Optimal Parking Control (OPC Knokke-Heist) and the city of Knokke-Heist are joining forces for a smart parking policy. This way, we guarantee that Knokke-Heist remains a wonderful place to live, work and shop.

Got a parking fine in Knokke-Heist?

Have you received a parking fine or parking fine in Knokke-Heist and have any questions about this? Then you can contact OPC Knokke-Heist.

OPC Knokke-Heist

Address: Gemeenteplein 22, 8300 Knokke-Heist
Telephone: 050 34 23 06

All information about OPC Knokke-Heist

Useful links concerning parking in Knokke-Heist

Avoid parking fines

During a day trip or holiday by the sea, receiving fines is undesirable. Many coastal municipalities use automatic systems for determining violations. Consulting and following local rules is therefore essential.

Rules found online may differ or be outdated. Websites that publish them bear no responsibility for fines received. That responsibility lies with the driver of the car.

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